Our grapes

Over the past 6 years, the vineyards of the Demetra-2010 private enterprise have spread over 1.5 hectares of fields and have more than 40 grape varieties. Among them are early (Muscat Blau, Muscat Dublyansky, Solaris, Johanniter), mid-ripening (Lemon Magaracha, Cabernet Karol) and late (Merlot). This number of varieties was planted in order to monitor the growth and productivity of grapes, which will allow the selection of the best varieties in the future. Among the variety of varieties, those that are the main raw material for the production of top-quality wine of the Rodynnaya Zelenitsa Winery should be highlighted.


Muscat Blau

A grape variety native to Switzerland. It belongs to the universal varieties. The yield is average. The bushes are vigorous. The clusters are medium in size, weighing up to 250-300 g. Usually, one vine produces 2-4 clusters. The average weight of the fruit ranges from 3.5 to 5 g. The color is deep blue, purple, black with a waxy coating characteristic of dark varieties. The skin is dense, but edible, the flesh is juicy. The taste is muscat with a pronounced bright aroma. The variety is frost-resistant (withstands temperatures down to -28°C). The culture is quite resistant to diseases such as mildew and oidium, but it is still necessary to carry out preventive treatment with special means. Due to the attractive color of the fruits, Muscat Blau must be protected from wasps and sparrows.

This variety is used both for making red wines with a characteristic muscat flavor and for fresh consumption.


Muscat Dublin

Muscat Dublyansky is a descendant of grapes that has long grown in Western Ukraine (the variety was discovered in Dublyany, near Lviv), which was later improved by Ukrainian breeders. It belongs to the technical varieties of early ripening. The yield is average or below average. One vine, with proper care, gives 2-3 clusters. The cluster is small, loose, weighing 150-200 g. The berry is medium, oval, weighing up to 4 g. The color is white with an amber (when fully ripe - golden) tint. The taste of the fruits at the beginning of ripening with notes of pineapple and muscat, when overripe on the bushes - muscat-honey, rich. The sugar content of the fruits is from 18 to 26%, acidity - 7 g/l. Very frost-resistant (up to -34°WITH). This variety is resistant to mildew and gray rot, but requires regular treatment against oidium. It is not affected by wasps, but requires protection from birds.

                Muscat Dublyansky is used to make a variety of wines - from light, aromatic semi-dry to rich dessert wine with notes of honey, peach, acacia, and apricot.


Solaris is a grape variety originally from Germany. It belongs to the technical varieties (although it is often used fresh) of ultra-early ripening. The yield is high. The yield from one bush can reach 3-5 kg per 1 square meter. The cluster is cylindrical, dense, weighing 300-400 g. The berry is large, round, weighing 4-6 g. The color of the fruit is white with a yellowish or greenish tint. The taste of the grapes is delicately sweet with notes of pineapple. The sugar content of the fruit is 22%, acidity is 8 g/l. It withstands frost well (up to -30°C). This variety is resistant to mildew and oidium. When overripe, the fruits can sometimes become covered with “noble rot”.

The Solaris variety is used to make high-quality white wines with a fruity bouquet and notes of pineapple and hazelnut.


Citrony Magaracha

Lemon Magaracha is a variety originally from the sunny Crimea, bred by the Magaracha Wine and Grape Institute. It belongs to the technical varieties of medium ripening. The yield is consistently high. The yield from one bush can reach 9 kg. The cluster is conical, cylindrical-conical, weighing 300-400 g. The berry is large, round, weighing 5-7 g. The color of the fruit is yellow or yellow-green with a white bloom. The skin is dense and thin, the pulp is juicy. The taste is harmonious, with a pronounced characteristic muscat-citric flavor. The sugar content of the fruit is 19-23%, acidity - 6-8 g/l. It withstands frost well (up to -25°C). The variety is resistant to gray rot, fungal infections, and has moderate resistance to phylloxera.

                Table and dessert wines are made from the Lemon Magaracha variety.


Johanniter is a complex interspecific hybrid of German origin. It belongs to the early ripening technical varieties. The yield is high (1.6 kg per square meter and above). The cluster is medium-sized, cylindrical, dense, weighing 200-300 g. The berries are small, round, white in color with a characteristic bloom. The skin is thin, the pulp is very juicy. The taste is very fruity with notes of tangerine. The sugar content of the fruits is 19-22%, acidity is 9-10 g/l. It withstands frost well (down to -26°C). Johanniter is resistant to mildew and oidium (however, in years of adverse weather, it is necessary to process the grapes twice a year for preventive purposes).

It is used to make white table and dessert wines that have a pronounced fruity flavor with spicy notes of melon, pear, peach or tangerine.


Cabernet Karol

Cabernet Karol is an interspecific hybrid of German origin. It belongs to the technical varieties of medium ripening. The yield is very high (up to 13-16 kg per square meter). The bunch is medium in size and density, cylindrical-conical in shape, weighing 150-300 g. The berries are round, medium in size, weighing 2-3 g, dark purple in color. The skin is thick, the pulp is juicy and slightly slimy. The sugar content of the fruit is 20-22%, acidity is 8 g/l. It withstands frost well (up to -25°C). This variety is resistant to mildew, relatively resistant to oidium and gray rot.

Cabernet Karol is used to make high-quality table wines with a cherry aroma and a spicy taste like Cabernet Sauvignon.



Merlot is one of the most famous grape varieties of French origin. It belongs to the technical varieties of late ripening. The yield is high (5-6 kg per square meter). The cluster is cone-shaped, dense, medium-sized, weighing 120-150 g. The berries are round, small, weighing 1-2 g, dark blue in color with a coating of natural wax. The pulp is moderately watery, dense, juicy. The skin is thin. The taste of Merlot is tart with a characteristic sourness. The sugar content of the fruits is 18%, acidity is 8-9 g/l. It withstands frosts moderately (up to -20°C). This variety has high resistance to mildew, and moderate to rot. It is prone to infection with oidium. It is practically not affected by birds and insects.

Merlot is widely used for making table and dessert wines. This variety is valued for its rich fruity taste and aroma. It is dominated by notes of currant, cherry, plum, caramel, chocolate and light shades of herbs.