The director of the private enterprise "Demetra-2010", the head of the Association "Agricultural Producers of Podillia", and the well-known philanthropist Anatoly Zelenytsya do not need to be introduced again. He is a successful businessman who never stands still, willingly learns new things and shares his experience.

Anatoliy Volodymyrovych was among the first swallows in the district who took on an extremely difficult task - agriculture.

"We thought we were doing some kind of feat," says my interlocutor, "but it turned out to be hard work. Back then, no one needed the land - take as much as you want, but today they fight for the harvest..."


ПП "Деметра-2010"

In the village of Boryshkivtsi, at the Demetra-2010 private enterprise, we arrived on the last day of wheat harvesting. The head of the farm says that according to preliminary forecasts, this year's wheat is much better than last year's.

— We mainly sow the entire grain group, including corn for grain and silage, as well as alfalfa for hay. The main technical crop remains soybeans. This year, more than 600 hectares of fields have been allocated for these crops. We use all the grain for our own needs, because we have a livestock farm, — explains Anatoly Volodymyovych. — In total, the company employs about 40 people, and maybe a little more during the season.
His son Volodymyr also works with his father. He gives us a short tour of the farm. We go to the field where the combine harvests the wheat, and from there to another one where a special vehicle rakes the straw into large bales. Another one takes these 250-kilogram bales to a special hayloft.

ПП "Деметра-2010"

— If we don't have enough of it, — Volodymyr Anatolyevich shows a huge haystack, in which straw bales are stacked in neat rows, — then we put small skids, cover them with foil for the winter.

— So you practically have a closed production cycle?

— Almost, but the only thing we don't do is milk processing. We have an agreement with the Ternopil dairy plant "Molokia", where the main part of the products goes. And the people of Kamianets-Podilskyi buy our milk from the so-called "Demetriv" tubs. In fact, LLC "Ukrainian Crystal" buys it from us.

Until 2012, we had a workshop for processing milk into hard cheeses, but we were forced to close it, since the demand for cheese was very low. We produce only natural products. For example, it takes two months for cheese to ripen. Of course, its price will be much higher than that of a surrogate, the so-called cheese product, but most people buy a surrogate because they don't have enough money for natural products.


ПП "Деметра-2010"

It seems that very little has passed since Anatoliy Zelenitsa took up agriculture, but today everything seems to be going back. Today, working in the agricultural sector is the same feat as it was a dozen years ago. There is practically no support from the state for farmers, on the contrary, they have imposed such taxes that you can't even breathe. In a word, survive as best you can.

So it's not for nothing that the farmers of the district created the Association "Agricultural Producers of Podillia." After all, it's easier to solve problems together.

— Our main task is to optimize joint work, — notes the head of the Association, Anatoliy Zelenitsa. — It is easier to survive together. Today we rent equipment from each other. It is almost impossible for an entrepreneur to purchase the necessary equipment, even from a domestic manufacturer. We solve other problems with joint efforts, and there are many of them in the district, in particular, land issues, assistance to the village community with investment agreements and personal appeals from citizens. We help the military in the ATO zone, because there should be a joint victory in everything.


We can say that everything Anatoliy Zelenytsia does is for the soul, because no matter what he undertakes, he does it with love and a great desire to bring it to perfection.

Several years ago I planned to plant a walnut orchard. I carefully studied this direction, looked for the best varieties throughout Ukraine, and found the most optimal ones. The 2-year-old walnut variety "Ideal" will bear good fruit this year.

ПП "Деметра-2010"

— I traveled to several cities for this variety, — says Anatoly Volodymyrovych. — In the first year after planting, there were a few fruits on the trees, in the second year I have a more abundant harvest. This variety is distinguished by high and stable yields, even in dry years. Despite the fact that it is an early-fruiting form of walnut, it is also short-growing.

— I traveled to several cities for this variety, — says Anatoly Volodymyrovych. — In the first year after planting, there were a few fruits on the trees, in the second year I have a more abundant harvest. This variety is distinguished by high and stable yields, even in dry years. Despite the fact that it is an early-fruiting form of walnut, it is also short-growing.

We are all used to the fact that to pick a nut, you have to climb high, but here everything is at hand. Today we have 4 hectares of this garden, we plan to grow seedlings, and in the future we will also take care of processing nuts, probably buying a processing plant.

And if Anatoliy Zelenitsa plans to scale up the idea of growing nuts to an industrial scale, then arranging vineyards is a real hobby.

— To drink a glass of good wine, you have to work hard, — Anatoliy Volodymyrovych aptly notices and leads to the holy of holies — a vineyard planted by his own hand. — In total, there are about 40 varieties here. There are early ones that ripen in August, mid-season ones, and late ones. I selected the best ones, I wanted to see how they grow, which ones bear fruit. I will check, and then I will select the most productive ones and plant a large vineyard.

I also have a few hundred acres of orchard. There are apples, apricots, plums. As they say, if you have the desire, you have the work.